Hearts Of Iron 4: Best Tank Designs (2024)

Brought to players by the creative minds of Paradox Interactive is yet another riveting take on the grand strategy genre. Hearts of Iron 4 tries to encapsulate the intense combat of World War II with a wargame setup that determines the fate of the world. While the game allows players to create, train, and customize various divisions according to their needs, Tanks in Hearts of Iron 4 serve as one of the most important ground units aside from basic infantry.


Hearts Of Iron 4: Best DLC, Ranked

These DLCs in Hearts of Iron 4 are worth the purchase as they improve the game's playable experience by diversifying its mechanics among other things.

The sheer complexity of customization options with Tank Designs can mean any minute configuration in a tank’s layout can spell victory or defeat for players. Thankfully, there are ways for players to customize and create the ideal tanks depending on their needs. Some of these designs are based on existing tanks today that get the job done.

Updated on June 11, 2024, by Rhenn Taguiam: When fans realized that the recent Hearts of Iron 4 trailer was hiding a message via Morse code, it was Paradox Plaza user (sc)chronos who deciphered it using the Enigma Machine - revealing a quote from theoretical physicist Werner Heisenberg that reads: “What we observe is not nature itself but nature exposed to our method of questioning.” What might intrigue fans here isn’t just the fact that Heisenberg is a renowned nuclear scientist, but also the fact that it took using the famed Enigma Machine to decipher this quote. As fans scramble to theorycraft just what new gameplay features might be in store in the next update, users might want to brush up on their warfare skills by preparing their favorite strategies through new content. For fans who want to dominate through land warfare, relying on the best tank designs can give them an edge regardless of what the new update offers. Some must-try tank designs include Medium Tank builds, and an optimized Anti-Air kit.

12 Medium Cannon Buster

Min-Max Setup Against AI Behavior

Hearts Of Iron 4: Best Tank Designs (2)

Tank Role

Heavy Tank


Super-Heavy Turret


Improved Medium Cannon, Small Cannon x4

Special Modules



Torque Bar

Armor Type

Rieveted Armor

Engine Type

Diesel Engine




Although Heavy Tanks are ideally equipped with larger weapons, the Medium Cannon Buster design in Hearts of Iron 4 maximizes bang for buck. It replaces the Tiger template's Small Cannons with a Medium Cannon as its main armaments to improve the tank’s overall Soft Attack. In turn, the Medium Cannon Buster becomes an AI-suited build capable of besting many of the game’s AI challenges, capitalizing on the fact that many of their tanks have Soft Armor anyway.

On top of these components, the Medium Cannon Buster equips the tank with Torque Bar (Suspension) and Riveted Armor (Armor Type) to boost its Reliability and Breakthrough, improving its efficiency in long-term fights.

11 All-Around Medium Rushers

Basic Medium Rushdown Unit

Hearts Of Iron 4: Best Tank Designs (3)

Tank Role

Medium Tank


Medium Two-Man Turret


Basic High-Velocity Cannon, Heavy Machine Gun x2,

Special Modules

Smoke Launchers, Wet Ammunition Storage


Torsion Bar

Armor Type

Riveted Armor

Engine Type

Diesel Tank





By the time players of Hearts of Iron 4start unlocking more tanks, especially in 1938, the All-Around Medium Rusher is an ideal choice for most practical plays. This is built upon the statistical advantages of Medium Tanks towards better attack and movement capabilities compared to Light Tanks.

At its core, the All-Around Medium Rusher is built with decent Breakthrough and Soft Attack in mind, making this especially useful in encounters in multiplayer where players want to finish off enemies quickly and without risking any huge counteroffensives. Should players want to upgrade this build, they can add another Small Cannon and Interleaved Roadwheels, improving performance at the cost of some speed.

10 Balanced Medium Frontline

Improve Frontline Performance With Balanced Damage, Defense

Hearts Of Iron 4: Best Tank Designs (4)

Tank Role

Medium Tank


Medium Two-Man Turret


Improved Medium Howitzer, Heavy Machine Gun x2

Special Modules

Advanced Radio, Sloped Armor


Christie Suspension

Armor Type

Welded Armor

Engine Type

Diesel Engine





As Medium Tanks hold the reputation of being the ever-dependable tank type in Hearts of Iron 4 gameplay, it makes sense for builds such as the Balanced Medium Frontline to emphasize positioning these war machines in the thick of battle. With Balanced Medium Frontline, players take advantage of the Medium Tank's inherent speed and averaging offense with tweaks that maximize their potential without sacrificing both maneuverability and aggressive potential.

When done successfully, this build packs a lot of Soft Attack, Breakthrough, and overall Armor. Survivability is increased with base Armor and Breakthrough that lessens damage this build takes from defending enemies. Most importantly, high Soft Attack allows this tank to dish out a lot of damage to cheaper but plentiful soft targets and leave opponents with nothing but their expensive but few heavy units to protect them.

9 Flame Support Supremacy

Take Advantage Of Attack Bonuses With A Dependable Flame Tank

Hearts Of Iron 4: Best Tank Designs (5)

Tank Role

Flame (Support Company)


Medium Two-Man Turret



Special Modules

Fuel Drum x4


Bogie Suspension

Armor Type

Welded Armor

Engine Type

Gasoline Engine




At first glance, the Flame Support Supremacy build for Hearts of Iron 4 gameplay doesn't seem worth the while considering the Flamer's base lackluster performance in combat. However, fans need to remember that the Flamer is built not for offense but rather for support. When players unlock the ability to create Flame Tank Support Companies, they should take advantage of the Flame Support Supremacy build for its boosts.

Building upon the Medium Flame Tank, this build not only boasts a lot of Fuel Supply but also massive bonuses to terrain. This is the specialization of the Flamer, as they can provide as much as +40% Attack to Forts and +35% to Urban Terrain, on top of other flat attack bonuses that can make divisions especially deadly when tailored to tackle setups.

8 Optimized Starting Medium

Decimate Opponents In The Air Before They Strike Back

Hearts Of Iron 4: Best Tank Designs (6)

Tank Role

Medium Tank


Medium Three-Man Turret


Medium Howitzer, Heavy Machine Guns x2

Special Modules

Improved Radio, Wet Ammunition Storage


Christie Suspension

Armor Type

Riveted Armor

Engine Type

Gasoline Engine




When players start unlocking various tanks in their Hearts of Iron 4 gameplay, they will likely want a tank design that can last them across various skirmishes and even wars. This is where Optimized Starting Medium comes in, which recommends a combat-ready Medium Tank build that should theoretically help players outlast their threats in World War 2 through decent Breakthrough and Soft Attack options.


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These grand strategy games will certainly provide a fun and unique time for players looking for something on the lighter side of war.

The Optimized Starting Medium build becomes available in the 1939 mark of a playthrough, wherein the 12.85 Production Cost should be affordable for most players without sacrificing Reliability and Breakthrough. The Medium Howitzer becomes the main choice for turret and can likely become a default build throughout the campaign, although there are ways to upgrade the design based on the player's preference.

7 Heavy Flame Tank Supremacy

Obliterate The Enemy's Backline

Hearts Of Iron 4: Best Tank Designs (8)

Tank Role

Flame (Support Company)


Super-Heavy Turret



Special Modules

Armor Skirts, Sloped Armor


Bogie Suspension

Armor Type

Welded Armor

Engine Type

Gasoline Engine





Flame Tanks have become common in building efficient tank divisions in Hearts of Iron 4.Heavy Flame Tank Supremacy capitalizes on their potential to provide backline support. While the flamethrower-based kit already adds decent Defense boosts to the rest of the squad, Heavy Flame Tank Supremacy pushes things further by optimizing what the build can offer.

In this iteration of the Heavy Flame Tank, players use a Grosstraktor A and assign it as a Flame Tank without necessarily opting for a Flamethrower. Instead, players stack as much Armor as possible to the kit alongside Armor Skirts (Special Features) to get decent boosts to Breakthrough. This encourages the creation of a Flame Tank Division capable of destroying an enemy’s rear while securing defenses for the rest of the team.

6 Soft Giant

Perfect For Rushing AI Divisions In Skirmishes

Hearts Of Iron 4: Best Tank Designs (9)

Tank Role

Medium Tank


Super-Heavy Turret


Improved Medium Cannon, Small Cannon x2

Special Modules

Basic Armor, Extra Ammunition Storage


Torsion Bar

Armor Type

Riveted Armor

Engine Type

Diesel Engine





Players enjoying their Hearts of Iron 4 gameplay who want to square off against AI opponents with a more efficient tank build may want to consider the Soft Giant. While not as heavily armored as the Heavy Tank, this Panzer IV-based tank utilizes the Medium Tank’s speed for better exploration around the battlefield. That’s because the Soft Giant build makes use of the limited Small Cannons that the tank can equip but compensates with the rest of its kit.

Due to the weapon limitations of the build, Soft Giant added a Radio and additional Ammunition Storage to boost its Reliability and Breakthrough even further. Its minimum Soft Attack should be just enough to pierce through the Armor rating of most AIs in the opponent’s arsenal.

5 Super Marine

Support Infantry With Heavy Armor Backup

Hearts Of Iron 4: Best Tank Designs (10)

Tank Role

Heavy Tank


Two-Man Turret


Close Support Gun, Heavy Machine Gun

Special Modules

Sloped Armor, Armor Skirts


Bogie Suspension

Armor Type

Riveted Armor

Engine Type






When it comes to bolstering a Division’s survivability in Hearts of Iron 4 gameplay, players should create a well-kitted tank squad with high-enough Defense to share with the rest of the squad. This is what the Space Marine build signifies. Its components aim to boost the combat potential of a Division not through high-powered, tanks but through optimizing its Infantry squad under the backbone of a Neubaufahrzeug.

When it comes to the specifics of the Super Marine build, Armor Skirts (Special Features) is a more optimal choice. Sloped Armor and Cast Armor (Armor Type) are decent late-game additions, but they could make the Super Marine tank more expensive than it needs to. Ways to make this cheaper include Riveted Armor (Armor Type), Auto Cannon (Main Armament), and the Two-Man Turret (Turret).

4 Maximized Efficiency

Break Through Enemy Lines Faster In Singleplayer

Hearts Of Iron 4: Best Tank Designs (11)

Tank Role

Medium Tank Tank


Three-Man Turret


Medium Howitzer, Small Cannon

Special Modules

Improved Radio, Easy Maintenance


Interleaved Roadwheels

Armor Type

Riveted Armor

Engine Type

Gasoline Engine




The Medium Tank in Hearts of Iron 4 gameplay is almost always the optimal middle ground of tank builds. Maximized Efficiency capitalizes on the inventory-heavy focus of a Medium Tank. Using a Crusader as a base, Maximized Efficiency gives the tank as many options as it should to maximize its stats. For instance, chief among the Maximized Efficiency’s arsenal is the Three-Man Turret (Turret), Small Cannon (Main Armament), Improved Radio and Easy Maintenance (Special Features), Riveted Armor (Armor), and Interleaved Roadwheels (Suspension).



13 Grand Strategy Games With The Best Economy Systems

Players who enjoy managing the economic aspects of their nations in grand strategy titles can't go wrong with this selection.

With these components, players can get a fast-enough Medium Tank without sacrificing defense, while still offering decent speed and firepower. While Maximized Efficiency offers lackluster Hard Attack, its Soft Attack coupled with an above average Max Speed can make it a deadly predator when chasing other ground units.

3 1936 Cost Efficiency

Cost Effective Solution For Quick Tank Plays

Hearts Of Iron 4: Best Tank Designs (13)

Tank Role

Light Tank


Three-Man Turret


Improved Automatic Cannon

Special Modules

Armor Skirts, Easy Maintenance


Bogie Suspension

Armor Type

Welded Armor

Engine Type

Gasoline Engine





Players will notice that the Panzer II Ausf. serves as their starting tank in most scenarios. This can build towards a 1936 Cost Efficiency design that creates a slightly future-proofed kit that doesn’t break the bank. Key to the build here is using a Light Tank. Using a Heavy Tank can create an impractical boost in cost, and Lights can be customized to perform as decently as Mediums anyway.

In the 1936 Cost Efficiency build, players use standout cost-efficient options such as the Improved Automatic Cannon (Main Armament), Three-Man Turret (Turret), Armor Skirts (Special Features), Welded Armor (Armor), Bogie Suspension (Suspension). Theoretically, this should give players a build with impressive Armor and Breakthrough that can decimate enemy lines early in the game.

2 Luxury Jack Of All Trades

Go All-Out For Anti-Infantry, Anti-Armor

Hearts Of Iron 4: Best Tank Designs (14)

Tank Role

Heavy Tank




Medium Cannon,

Special Modules

Improved Radio, Small Cannon, Sloped Armor, Easy Maintenance


Interleaved Roadwheels

Armor Type

Welded Armor

Engine Type

Gasoline Engine





In Hearts of Iron 4, players should consider going all out for an expensive item. One possibility is the Luxury Jack of All Trades, which uses a Vickers base to make a costly Heavy Tank even more expensive with the potential of creating a small superweapon. The key here is making Luxury Jack Of All Trades live up to its namesake. It can chase away infantry while having armor-piercing capabilities.

Chief among the necessary equipment is the Medium Cannon (Main Armament) with a Squeezebore (Special Features), and Small Cannons (Turret) for high Piercing and better Soft Attack. The Radio (Special Features) provides better Defense and Breakthrough. Easy Maintenance (Special Features) is also an ideal choice for players who want to improve the survivability of this tank.

1 Anti-Air Optimization

Eliminate Enemy Aerial Support

Hearts Of Iron 4: Best Tank Designs (15)

Tank Role





Improved Anti-Air Gun

Special Modules

Armor Skirts, Easy Maintenance


Bogie Suspension

Armor Type

Welded Armor

Engine Type

Gasoline Engine





Due to the sheer ferocity of Aircrafts in Hearts of Iron 4, players willwant an efficient way of protecting their armies from aerial units. Players can do this via Anti-Air Optimization, built on a backdrop of a Panzer II A assigned as an Anti-Air Tank. In Anti-Air Optimization, players rely heavily on the boost in Air Attack via the Improved Anti-Air Gun (Main Armament) with a boost with a Three-Man Turret (Turret).

Players need to keep in mind that focusing on their anti-air efforts in this manner will sacrifice 70% of their Breakthrough stat in place of Air Attack. Players can compensate by having other tanks in the division improve overall firepower, particularly in Soft Attacks.

Hearts Of Iron 4: Best Tank Designs (16)
Hearts of Iron 4

Grand Strategy


June 6, 2016
Paradox Development Studio
Hearts Of Iron 4: Best Tank Designs (2024)


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Name: Arielle Torp

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